Ika Maulida Hidayah
An undergraduate student
Hello! im IkaI am an enthusiastic English Literature student, with experience as a content creator intern and
freelance transcriber .Thanks to my background in English literature, I've cultivated strong proficiency in both written and spoken English .With a solid grasp of teamwork and effective time management, I am dedicated to continuous learning and professional growth.
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ORGANIZATION Himpunan Mahasiswa Sastra Inggris
Communication and Information division WORK Transcriber
November 2022-NowIn this job, I engage with audio recordings, carefully transcribing them into written text. I also ensure every word matches the original and then give it a thorough polish, checking for mistakes before sending it off.Content Creator Intern
Radar Bekasi
February-April 2023In this job, I explore what's new and exciting, gathering ideas every day! I use those ideas to create an informational story and lend my voice to it. Three times a week, I put together fun videos that share these stories, making them interesting and easy to understand for everyone.
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Coordinator of Media and Information division
@kknsindangjaya04 on instagramIn media and information division, everyone has a role, and I make sure each person does their part. I'm the one who keeps our social media on track, making posts when they're supposed to go up. Plus, I'm the main creative brain behind our Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube content.

@whole.indonesia on InstagramI explore Indonesia's amazing culture and share it on Instagram. I write, edit, and post stories that capture its beauty. I make sure all the followers understand the text
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